Woot!!! finally decided to buy this model after long consideration... a bit big, but it covered everything that i need... superb mp3 player, good camera, a phone... too bad it's so bulky it's gonna attact alot of extra attention from the ladies on the street once i slid it in my npocket...
One of my new friend, Vivian, said she can get me that phone with 2k, + 1G memory... after pursuaded by Hinc Chun and Yong Fatt, i decided to waste a bit of money to buy something i want. But she said that i need to pay her first, then her friend will bring the phone to me 1 week after... At that point i hesitated...
Should i trust her? i only met her for 2 times... The way she talk showes that she's not trust worthy...
After some serious thinking, i asked her to help me get the phone first, then i'll pay her. she seems aren't that willing... i understand how she feel... she was thinking the exact same thing as i am... scare of being cheat by other people...
I really hate all this guessing and doubting game... but i have to do this... i have to protect myself... i really hate the selfish side of me... =.='''
I remembered that at one time, Cheng Wai (anotehr secondary friend) was having financial problem. He went to alot of people, all refused to help him. At last, he found Kim Ann (Another... ah... lazy explain liao), and He corrowed Chen Wai 2k to help him...
When i heard till this part, i started to think... if Chen Wai asked money from me, will i borrow him? If King Soong and Hing Chun decided to borrow money from me, will i borrow them? 2k for me now is kinda little, but what if 10k? 20k?
I really admire Kim Ann's courage of helping him... i don't think he had that much of money back then and 2k probably are kinda alot for him that time...
Sigh... i really need to trust people more... People probably will call me stupid if i mistrusted someone, but when do i care what other people think? as long as i know i'm not afraid to trust people. as long as i know that i still have hope for humanity. despite the reality.